What more could I say? Anime...It's what I live for...heh heh heh. There's Kenshin and InuYasha and Rath Illuser and soo many
others I can't list em all yet. I plan to one day read and know every anime out there...heh heh heh...
My Favorites
Favorite Band or Musician: Those that are on anime shows Favorite TV show: InuYasha Favorite movie: InuYasha
Favorite book: Kenshin/InuYasha
Favorite sports team: N/A
Favorite food: Pocky/Ice-cream/Ramen
My Hobbies
Anime, drawing anime, writing anime, reading anime, watching anime, doing anime...heh heh heh...
Most Admired
Himura Kenshin / InuYasha / Uncle James